Publish a guest post on Lilach Bullock for $124

What you get with this Offer ***Please note that this is NOT a paid media placement. The fee is for me representing you and doing outreach for you. But if my efforts don’t result in publishing an article for you, you’ll get a full refund of the escrow deposit. I refuse to let your budget be affected by efforts that don’t yield results.*** I am a PR and outreach expert, and I can help you do media outreach that gets results. I will help you pitch to publish an article with a dofollow link to your site. First, I study your website content and come up with a timely, relevant story idea that would fly with Next, I use tried and tested outreach method to pitch the story idea to the writers, journalists and/or editors of who are most likely to find the story relevant to their area of coverage. The metrics of this site are as follows: Domain Authority (DA): 40 Page Authority (PA): 50 If my efforts don't result in publishing an article for you, I refund you 100%. Please note: 1. The pricing includes complete content ideation, creation, pitching and publication. You do not need to and you cannot provide your own article. 2. Aside your link, there would be 2-4 authority links as the story would not be credible otherwise. 3. The turnaround time is 15 days.

by: yeldwale1991
Created: --
Category: Guest Posts
Viewed: 190

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